Online courses are an amazing addition into your business
They help you to reach and teach more people, make your business more resilient, and will free up your time for higher level business activities or for more leisure and family time.
Create your course once, and then sell it many times over.
They can be very profitable for you.
But for many people, the main barrier to creating an online course is worrying about 'the techy stuff' (as it's often known.)
- Worrying about where to put your course,
- How will people will pay for it,
- Is your valuable content safe from copycats?
- Will it be expensive?
- Will you get sucked into buying the wrong thing?
- How will you juggle all the things?
- Frightened that you can't do this
Of course you can spend weeks, months, spinning your wheels as you try and work it all out yourself... but you don't know what you don't know.
There are basically FOUR main ways to organise and publish your online course, each with their own pros and cons. And you can even get started for FREE with some of them, once you know 'what's what'.
I'm going to show you those four choices and dive into the practical details so you clearly understand what they are.
You'll be in the right place to learn and make the best choice for you.
Join me in this masterclass
And I'll show you that you don't have to worry about the course hosting techy stuff any more.
- Split into short, practical videos
- With a handy Workbook to help organise your thoughts and ideas and make the right choice for you.
- And get your questions answered.
Once you watch this practical training, you will realise that there is NO REASON why you can't crack on and get an online course up and running pretty quickly.
You will be excited that you can do this AND be ready to start setting up your course for sale. You'll be feeling confident that you have made a wise choice.
What will you do with that extra money as those exciting course sales start popping into your bank account?
Hi, I'm Susan Weeks, The Crafty Course Profit Booster!
It makes me so sad to see, week after week, artists, crafters, makers, struggling to create an online course.
They are struggling 'cos they haven't made an informed, wise choice about how they are going to host and sell their online course. They haven't made a choice that is best for them...And how could they? They don't know what they don't know, and so waste time and energy, stumbling around trying to cobble things together.
This is where I step in!
Explaining 'the techy stuff' is my superpower and part of my life-long career in technology & training. I've run my own online business since 2010, offering services and training, and developing over 20 online courses along the way.
And from my conversations with so many creative people, as part of my globally popular textile art podcast, Stitchery Stories, and from being part of the creative community as a stitcher myself, I have a deep understanding of the challenges creative people typically face in creating and selling online courses.
Combine all that, and that is where the magic happens!
I am offering practical masterclass at a 'no-brainer' price to help you quickly get the right information so you can make the best choice for you when it comes to where to 'put' your online course.
Just imagine! 60 minutes with me will save you countless hours of time wasting and deep frustration, and will get you moving again towards your goal of making money from online courses, sooner rather than later!